Writer~ Mentor~ Musician~Story Teller~Artist
Consulting & Instruction
Consulting and Professional Development
Ron provides professional development on holistic education for all ages and levels. Focus on nature play, regenerative practices, multilingual environments, social and emotional learning, differentiation, and cross-curricular integration are regular themes. Custom crafted workshops are encouraged.

Closed Loop Community Partner Gardening
Forest Laboratory of Regenerative Arts (FLORA)
Ron's praise from students.
"Thank you, because your class was the best thing occurred in my life."
-H. Sadis
"You are very kindly and helpful teacher. You will live in my mind forever forever. You are my best teacher in my life. You gave me the most unforgottable and the best memory in my study abroad life."
-K Xu
"You are one of the few teachers for whom I have a special appreciation. Despite the short period that we spent together, I got a great benefit in your class."
- M. Alghamdi
"You are the most honest, pure person I've ever met!"
-A. Alqarni

Blessings to all my students- past, present and future. You are all gifts!